The team is six days in to our trek! We left Seattle last Saturday and are currently in Kettle Falls, WA. In total, our bikers have climbed over 18,500 feet and traveled 338 miles. Everyone is feeling good and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!
Mile 0! From right to left, Andrew and Christopher, Joni (the 7 month old Dachshund), Lewis (the great adventurer), Kevin, Andrea and Wally (the slightly older Dachshund). Not pictured, James, who joined up a few miles in and Emmy, our trusty provider! “Joni! Wally! Look! Joni…. good! Wally!” – Emmy
Here’s Emmy with Wally and Joni in the silver bullet! The batteries have only died twice, score!
Lewis and Kevin on the road the first day before stopping for lunch at the Sultan Bakery! “Always pedal in circles.” – Lewis
Susie and Ellie on a hike with Emmy, Wally and Joni at Bridal Veil Falls just outside of Index. They joined us for dinner the first night, but headed back to Seattle shortly after. “We’re not as cool as our parents.” – Susie and Ellie
Andrew explored the woods just outside of Leavenworth. “Washington woods are great for parkour.” -Andrew
Morning in Leavenworth…
… evening in Chelan. Day 3!
Andrew and Christopher making dinner last night! “It’s called a hobo.” -Christopher
James and Lewis on Sherman pass earlier today after the hardest day of climbing yet! “‘It’s all down hill from here… this is our life now.” – Lewis
James and Lewis are ready to rest and relax for the next day!
“Give us your George Clooney face.” – Emmy
“I can’t.” – Lewis
Stay tuned as we rest and then hit the road again on Sunday!
The Scotsman